The first way a lot of people scam is.......
Trusting is a HUGE way where jammers get scammed. Today I was in Jamaa Township and I found this Jammer who was trusting at her den. It was a nm I went to her den just to see if she scammed.
These are some things that she said. ( sorry i couldn't get them when she said it so i got it from the chat thing)
One of the others who were with me started to trade with her. I flashed her a couple of times just to see what she would do. No one that I know of got scammed. I had to leave early.
Don't fall for these traps. Sometimes people will do giveaways and they have another account or friend with them and they say "if you get .... (the item from there friend or other account) I'll give you all of my items. So you start to trade and then the friend says "trade meh your spike collar then I'll accept." This is a TRAP!!!! DON'T FALL FOR IT! They will get what ever they want and then lock you out!
Another way of scamming is....
Jammers always do this! I guess this could be another way of trusting but it's not the greatest! I was in Jamaa Township when I saw Fuzzy doing this.
She started off just saying this
Then she wanted to get some people cause no one was trading her so she went to caps. No one traded her though. THIS IS ALSO A SCAM STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!!
Scammers/hackers/bullies are so mean.. :(