This cookie table has been in the Jamaaliday Gift chart for a while. On monday I lost my membership. But the thing is I don't miss it. It's kind of fun being a nonmember again!
There are some updates. I'm not going to so you the news paper but I have some interesting things to tell you. In this last update as you can tell members can now host parties of their own on the Party tab.

You can make these cool names for it and buy so awesome stuff too. ( On the the that has the trading thing's on it that layout has betas in it for sale :( ) To host a party all you have to do is click the "Host your own party" button at the bottom of the tab. It will pop up this screen and you can choose the layout you want and the name of the party. But it costs 1 diamond to make the party.

But I see a flaw in AJHQ's thinking. You don't see the original parties anymore when you open it up. Only the adventures and the personalized parties. To find the original ones you have to click the tab that has a clock and the party hat on it

I think that now that AJ has this new party thing no ones going to go to the old ones. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe this whole personalize party thing will die down and people will go back to the original ones, but who knows. If your an AJ Youtuber this would be a good party place for a party.
Have an awesome day guys! CHRISTMAS IS AMOST HERE!!!!!!
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